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About Prünge

What we do

We help Canadian companies manage their R&D
from multiple perspectives at once:
project funding, knowledge management, and tax credit.

Prünge* is a time-dependent color 
perceived as
prune if t < 0 and as orange if t ≥ 0.


*: used in perceptual experiments to investigate the riddle of induction.

SR&ED Montreal machine learning

SR&ED Montreal machine learning

SR&ED Montreal machine learning

Meet the team

Prünge partners with talented and passionate practitioners on the financial side
(taxation specialists and accountants) with whom we’ve been working for 10 years.
Our approach is based on teamwork and we fully concentrate on the technical sides:
achieving the technological advancements, tackling the technological obstacles, conducting the R&D properly speaking, and documenting the know-how.

SR&ED Montreal machine learning

Home: TeamMember

SR&ED Montreal machine learning

SR&ED Montreal machine learning

Eric Boillaud, PhD, CPAM, ITIL

Senior Technology Advisor

Eric is a machine learning practitioner.
He has 10 years of hands-on experience in tax credit claims in Canada, totalizing more than 500 technical meetings with different R&D teams and more than 500 project descriptions.

SR&ED Montreal machine learning

Marie-Josée Bouffard, CPA, CA

Senior Financial Advisor

Marie-Josée received several awards for her entrepreneurial achievements, including a Mercuriades award and a distinction for innovative business practices by the Quebec Manufacturers and Exporters Association. She’s been involved in SR&ED claims for 15 years.

Our services

Help you get your R&D funded

We help growing companies develop innovative technologies
by preparing their tax credit claim in relation to the SR&ED program (Scientific Research & Experimental Development),
to funding programs (such as the Industrial Research Assistance Program), and to other tax incentive programs
(such as the Tax Credit for the Development of E-Business).

SR&ED Montreal machine learning

Why it works

We believe that technology and science will change the world positively, and we love our job. We're proud to help our clients get their R&D projects financed and/or funded, because we know this is well spent money. And we believe in long-term relationships.

How we'll do it with you

We’ll start with a free evaluation of your current situation to understand the issues and opportunities that you’re facing. And yes, that could take a couple of meetings and much caffeine. From this we’ll build an appropriate strategy and implement a plan together.

Areas of expertise

Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Machine learning | Neural networks | Pattern recognition | Search engines | Data clustering | Information retrieval | Natural Language Processing (NLP) | Automated Speech Recognition (ASR) | 3D rendering | Computer animation physics

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Discover Prünge

SR&ED Montreal machine learning

Create something never seen
and explore what you can do with it

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